Monday, August 1, 2011

I Hate Driving in Texas

It's amazing how much can happen in one week on the mission or even in one day. We meet all these great people, they say they are interested, and then nothing happens. I think the Lord is really humbling us. It's hard going to church and not having an investigator with us, but I know it will happen soon.
I can see that Crystal Molena feels something different when we teach her, but she doesn't seem to act on the commitments that we give. She hasn't been able to come to church yet, but I am praying that she will. I think a lot of things are holding her back, such as her boy friend and other friends. The other day we drove over to her house for an appointment (with one of the members her age). We pounded on the door, called her phone. We basically have no creeper meter as missionaries. Calling 5-6 times is completely acceptable when it comes to the gospel. We were even considering knocking on her bedroom window because we had a feeling that she was sleeping. Sis. Rodriguez was all for it, but I drew the line there. I guess I am learning to be bold in ways that I never thought I would have to.
It's always disappointing when our appointments fall through, especially when all of them, in the same day, fall through. However, I really care about Crystal a lot, and we are doing everything that we can to give her the opportunity to exercise her faith. So we'll see what happens.
It's really interesting when no one seems interested in our message: people slam the door on us and say that they are Christians, it's over 100 degrees outside, sweat is dripping down my back, yet I still feel happy. I mean we don't feel that way all the time. But I love when Hermana Rodriguez and I are laughing, even in those hard moments going door to door (when most of the people are East Indian and they don't speak any English). We just sing and enjoy all the interesting people that we meet, especially the guy who talked to us about hell for over half an hour, and told us an experience where someone saw Michael Jackson, Celina, and Labron James in hell. This man also asked me if I was expecting! I didn;t know what to say. Hna. Rodriguez looked at me painfully. I stared at my feet. "No I'm not pregnant," I laughed uncomfortably. "Oh it's just the way your dress is set up, ya know? I'm sorry." I wanted to slap him in that moment. However, I figured this experience would be great to write about. So I guess something good came out of it. The Lord is really testing me to see if I can love everyone.
So in our branch there aren't too many people. In fact, they aren't big enough to be a ward yet. But I am sure that it will happen soon. Because the branch is pretty small, everyone must really do their part. Including me, the new awkward missionary. I was asked, last moment, to lead the music in church. I've done it two weeks in a row now. I think I am doing an okay job, but sometimes I just pretend like I know how to do it. There is only one kid who can play the piano, so him and I struggle through all the songs. It's great.
Every Sunday we go to this thing called Branch counsel. It starts before church, and basically all the leaders get together and discuss missionary work in our branch and how we can strengthen the members. They all talk really quickly, and I try to listen as much as I can. But trying to understand the language is like walking in late to a movie, walking out, and coming back in over and over. So I only get bits of what people are saying. They will all laugh for a moment, and I join them sometimes, just so I don't look too lost.
Good news, Mary Pippins went to church (with her gout and all). She left us a really funny message on Sat. saying that she wanted to come to church. "Hey sugar. This is me Mary Pippins. I'm just callin' cause I wanna go to y'alls church tomorrow. I just need a ride. Gimme a call back mmmk," she said in her slow drawl. We made sure to call the English elders to find her a ride.
Mary had a great time at church, and he wants to bring her sister now. I am beaming just writing that sentence. I don't know why, but I feel really connected to Mary, and I am excited for her.
I have eaten some interesting food so far. We were eating at this member's house on Tues, and it was one of the little kid's birthdays. So there were children running everywhere throughout this tiny house. It smelled like beef, and I don't think they had air conditioning. A jolly Hispanic man named Hermano Del Angel greeted us in the kitchen. He told me to try something in a bowl that looked like chunky salsa. So I agreed. Sister Rodriguez whispered to me, "That's pig skin Hermana." I chewed slower. "Seriously?" I asked.
I couldn't believe that I put spicy pig flesh in my mouth. However, I got over it quickly.
I was amazed at the kindness of these people. even though all of their food was fried, greasy, and fatty meats, they were so giving. They had to feed so many people, and I know that they didn't have a lot. Yet, Hermano Del Angel was so excited to slap all sorts of meats and drippy things on my sandwich (which I think is called a Salchicha). I have never had such terrible gas and stomach pains after that food, but I was grateful for their kindness.
Sister Rodriguez and I feel so thankful for all the members who feed us throughout the week. So we decided to make them cookies one night after we finished tracting. We never have a lot of time at the end of the day, so we made them as quickly as possible. It was the first time I had baked something in a long time. (Tyler you should be proud). We used Sister Burroughs's recipe, and they turned out spectacular.
I love my companion so much. She is so giving and patient with me. She shares everything. I mean everything. For example, she got some shampoo and conditioner from her mom, and she insisted that I use some. I love serving with Hermana Rodriguez, and I know that I am learning so much from her.

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